Rector Search

Due to the recent retirement of our beloved rector, we are currently accepting names in our search for a new rector.  The Church of the Transfiguration is a vibrant and active community, ready for celebrations and for service. We rejoice together in fun and festivities and share in lightening the burdens of difficult times. Thus, we share the light of Christ with one another and with the whole world. The Search committee will continue to update the website throughout the search process.  In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the committee.

Prayer for the Search of a New Rector

Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom, you know our necessities before we ask and ignorance in asking: teach us to know that our lives and futures are in your loving hands, and guide us in the calling of the next rector of the Church of the Transfiguration; grant that we may rely on your loving providence and not trust in our own cleverness, and that we might cast aside our anxieties and follow where you lead as you carry out in tranquility the plan of salvation; through the worthiness of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  AMEN

Meeting updates

May 15, 2024 - The Search Committee met with Rev. Sierra Reyes to review the recommended 3-step interview process for rector candidates.  It covered the "paper interview" (cover letter, OTM and resume), the Zoom interview, and the on-site interview.  The committee is now prepared for our next steps.

April 23, 2024 – The Parish Profile and OTM have been approved by the Bishop.  We are now accepting names for the position of Rector until June 14, 2024.  The committee will be meeting again in May with Sierra to discuss next steps.

Mar 22, 2024 – Our completed parish Profile and OTM documents have been approved by the Vestry and sent to the Rev Sierra Reyes.  She will send to the Bishop for her approval.  A meeting with Sierra will be set up after Easter to discuss next steps.

Mar 13, 2024 – Zoom meeting. Final discussions around the parish profile and OTM.

Mar 4, 2024 – Zoom meeting. We discussed the successful run of Small Group Sessions. The responses will be consolidated along with the CAT survey results to provide information for the Parish Profile. Assignments were given o committee members to create segments of the Profile. Scott will review and add photos/videos.

Feb 12, 2024 – Zoom meeting.  Search committee met to discuss the details and logistics of the upcoming small groups.

Feb 11, 2024 – Traci Dawodu and Scott Sowinski presented an overview of the CAT results to the parish during our Soup-er Bowl coffee hour.  Dee Wagner and Dave Kirby introduced the upcoming small groups and urged the parish to sign up for an upcoming session.

Feb 7, 2024 – Search Committee and Vestry met with Rev. Kevin Caruso, priest from Trinity Episcopal in Wheaton.  He is a trained CAT interpreter who presented the results of the 98 surveys to the two groups.

Feb 7, 2024 – Search Committee and Vestry met with Rev. Kevin Caruso, priest from Trinity Episcopal in Wheaton.  He is a trained CAT interpreter who presented the results of the 98 surveys to the two groups.

Feb 5, 2024 – Zoom meeting.  Discussed preparation for the Small Groups and the CAT interpretation planned for 02.07.24

Jan 23, 2024 – Zoom meeting.  Discussed CAT Survey.  Results presentation to the Parish planned for Feb 11th in Leach Hall.  Small Groups to begin Feb 18th.  Sign up  sheets will be posted soon.

Jan 10, 2024 – Zoom meeting with full committee.  Discussion of CAT.  Len will reach out to Sierra for date of interpretation of results.  David and Dee will begin plans for Small Group discussions to come after the results of the CAT have been presented.  Sign-up sheets with a variety of date and time options will be available for parishioners to attend.

Jan 7, 2024 – CAT Survey is now open and available through January 29th.  Scott and Traci will be available if there are any questions or concerns in completing this. The results of the CAT will be presented to the church in Mid-February and will be the basis of our Parish Profile.

Jan 4, 2024 – Zoom meeting with full committee to touch base on the CAT deployment.  Len will send out an introductory email and Scott and Traci will announce at the January 7th service that the CAT survey will open and has asked that everyone complete the survey by the closing date of January 29th.

Dec 28, 2023 – Zoom meeting of full committee primarily to discuss details of the CAT Survey with plans to deploy January 7, 2024.  Project plan/timeline created.

Dec 18, 2023 – In-person meeting with whole committee and Rev. Sierra Reyes who outlined, in detail, the search process and her role in helping us achieve our goals along the way.  Decided that Scott Sowinski would be our CAT Liaison.  Next steps:  to establish our timeline; Scott to reach out to Holy Cow Consultants to prepare the CAT for deployment; Review the website to include a folder for this Rector Search.

Dec 17, 2023 – The Search Committee was formally commissioned by Annette and Jason during the 10am service.

Dec 11, 2023 – Len and Dee met via Zoom with Rev. Sierra Reyes to discuss the full process of our search.  We talked about the CAT Survey (Congregational Assessment Tool).  Next steps are to meet in person with Sierra and the whole committee and to identify the CAT Liaison.

Dec 5, 2023 – Zoom kick-off meeting of the Search Committee.  Assigned Len Hiznay as Chair and Dee Wagner as co-chair. Next Step is to reach out to Rev. Sierra Reyes, Diocesan Liaison.

Search Committee

Len Hiznay – Co-Chair –   708-370-0389
Dee Wagner – Co-Chair –   630-915-3935
Traci Dawodu –   309-264-1539
Katherine Hamann –   708-334-8153
Pat Jonikaitis –   773-914-1293
David Kirby –   630-257-7915
Scott Sowinski –   917-864-8974